Life Insurance For Police Officers

Our choice for the best life insurance company for police officers is Mutual of Omaha.

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Updated: 17 May 2024
Written by Bob Phillips
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Most life insurance companies don’t charge police officers higher premiums despite their high-risk occupation, with the average premium for a 30-year-old police officer for $100,000 of term life insurance being $7 to $10 per month.

If you’re a police officer or have a loved one who serves in law enforcement and are on the hunt for the most suitable life insurance policy, you’ve come to the right place. With over 15 years of experience in life insurance sales and a deep personal connection to law enforcement through my uncle, who served as a police officer for over 40 years in New York, I am well-equipped to guide you through this complex terrain.

The importance of life insurance cannot be overstated, particularly for those in high-risk professions like law enforcement. The unpredictability and dangers associated with the job make it crucial to have a life insurance policy that provides peace of mind and financial security for your loved ones. Here, I’ll share with you my top three picks, providing a comprehensive breakdown of each company’s offerings, their pros and cons, and why they could be the right choice for you.

Best Life Insurance Companies For Police Officers, 2024

Best Overall - Mutual of Omaha
Best Permanent Life Insurance - Lincoln Financial Group
Best Life Insurance, Police Officers, 2024

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Mutual of Omaha

Best Overall




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Term Life Insurance


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Lincoln Financial Group

Permanent Life Insurance




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Our Methodology

Leveraging my 15-year tenure as a licensed agent in the insurance industry, I've conducted an extensive analysis of life insurance providers for police officers.. My assessment is based on customer service ratings, product options, and a thorough review of various online platforms. My insights are based on many interactions with representatives from various companies and hands-on experience selling life insurance. This gives me a unique perspective that combines industry knowledge with practical experience.


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Best Life Insurance Companies For Police Officers

Best Overall

Overall Rating

Key Statistics

9/10 Affordability
10/10 Customer Reviews
9/10 Claims
9/10 Coverage Level

Why We Like Them

When it comes to life insurance for police officers, Mutual of Omaha stands out as the top choice. This highly reputable company has a financial strength rating of A+ (Superior) from AM Best, demonstrating its ability to meet financial obligations and pay claims. This reassurance of stability and reliability is crucial for police officers who are looking to secure their family’s financial future.

One of the distinguishing features of Mutual of Omaha is its comprehensive range of policy options. From term life insurance to whole life and universal life insurance, they offer flexible policies to cater to varying needs and budgets. Moreover, they also provide a no-exam whole life insurance option, which can be a significant advantage for officers seeking quick and hassle-free policy approval.

Benefits & Drawbacks

  • Exceptional customer service
  • Wide range of life insurance products
  • Superior financial strength and stability
  • Limited online information
  • Limited term length options
  • Potential for higher premiums

Best Term Life Insurance

Overall Rating

Key Statistics

9/10 Affordability
8/10 Customer Reviews
9/10 Claims
9/10 Coverage Level

Why We Like Them

GEICO stands out as a top choice for term life insurance for police officers due to its combination of affordability, simplicity, and flexibility. Term life insurance is the most affordable kind of life insurance, which makes it an attractive option for many, including police officers. Moreover, GEICO’s term life insurance policies are easy to understand, with pre-determined lengths that allow officers to tailor their coverage based on their specific needs.

Another significant benefit of choosing GEICO is the potential for additional discounts. GEICO offers competitive rates for government employees, which could translate into lower premiums for police officers. These savings, coupled with GEICO’s strong reputation and commitment to customer service, make it an excellent choice for police officers seeking term life insurance.

Benefits & Drawbacks

  • Competitive rates
  • Discounts for government employees
  • Simplicity and fast quoting system
  • Lack of price transparency
  • Not specifically tailored for police officers
  • Limited term length options

Best Permanent Life Insurance

Overall Rating

Key Statistics

9/10 Affordability
7/10 Customer Reviews
8/10 Claims
8/10 Coverage Level

Why We Like Them

When it comes to permanent life insurance for police officers, Lincoln Financial Group stands out as a top choice. The company offers a range of customized and flexible permanent life policies, including universal life, indexed universal life, and variable universal life. These policies provide a guaranteed death benefit and the potential for cash value growth, offering both protection and a means to shape your financial future. This flexibility is particularly beneficial for police officers who may need to adjust their coverage based on their changing needs and financial circumstances.

One of the key features that sets Lincoln Financial Group apart is its no medical exam policy available for healthy non-smokers. This can significantly expedite the approval process, making it a convenient choice for busy police officers. While it’s important to note that Lincoln Financial Group does not offer whole life insurance specifically, their universal life insurance options offer similar benefits with added flexibility. Furthermore, their strong customer service and online claim filing system further add to the ease and simplicity of securing life insurance coverage.

Benefits & Drawbacks

  • Term to permanent life conversion feature
  • “No medical exam” policies available
  • Wide range of universal life policies
  • Below average customer satisfaction
  • Lack of whole life policies
  • Limited online quotes

Why Police Officers Need Life Insurance

As a police officer, your job is inherently risky and unpredictable. You’re frequently exposed to dangerous situations that could potentially risk your life, making it essential to have comprehensive protection for yourself and your loved ones.

Life insurance serves as a critical safety net, providing financial security for your family in the event of your death. It can help cover expenses such as funeral costs, outstanding debts, mortgage payments, and even provide an income replacement for your dependents.

.The benefits of life insurance extend beyond just financial protection. Having life insurance can also offer peace of mind, knowing that your family will be taken care of financially should anything happen to you. This is particularly important for police officers who often face high-stress situations on a daily basis.

Moreover, some insurers offer policies tailored specifically for law enforcement professionals, considering the unique risks associated with the profession.


What Types Of Life Insurance Are Best For Police Officers?

Police officers face unique risks due to the nature of their work. Because of this, it’s essential that they have a reliable life insurance policy that can provide for their families in the event something should happen. Various types of life insurance policies exist, but some are more suitable for police officers than others.

Term Life Insurance

Provides coverage for a specific period, usually ranging from 10 to 30 years. This type of insurance is often less expensive than other options and can be a good choice for police officers on a budget or those who only need coverage until their children are grown and independent. However, if the policyholder outlives the term, no benefits are paid out.

Whole Life Insurance

Offers lifelong coverage and has a cash value component that grows over time. This is an ideal choice for police officers seeking long-term financial security. Unlike term life insurance, whole life insurance doesn’t expire as long as premiums are paid. The ability to withdraw cash at any point can also be a significant advantage.

Universal Life Insurance

Universal life insurance provides permanent coverage like whole life insurance but with added flexibility. Police officers can adjust their premium payments and death benefits as their needs change, making it a viable choice for those who prefer a more tailored approach to their life insurance coverage.

Instant Decision Life Insurance

Can be beneficial for police officers who want quick coverage without going through a lengthy underwriting process. Some companies offer coverage ranging from $500k to $3 million with no medical exam, providing immediate peace of mind.

Each of these life insurance types offers its own benefits, and the best choice depends on individual needs and circumstances.

How Much Does Life Insurance Cost For Police Officers?

The cost of life insurance for police officers can vary greatly based on several factors such as their age, health, lifestyle, the type of policy, and the coverage amount. However, it’s not uncommon for law enforcement officers to find affordable options.

Policy Type Coverage Amount Approximate Monthly Premium
Term Life Insurance $500,000 As low as $30
Whole Life Insurance $500,000 Depending on age, can be at least 10x more expensive than term life
Group Life Insurance 3-4 times the annual salary Varies (typically provided by the employer)
Instant Decision Life Insurance $500,000 – $3 million Varies based on provider and individual circumstances

Is My Employer-Provided Life Insurance Coverage Enough?

The adequacy of your employer-provided life insurance largely depends on your personal situation. For officers who are single and have no children, this coverage might be sufficient. However, if you have dependents or significant financial obligations, such as a mortgage or college tuition for your children, a payout equal to a few years of your salary might not stretch far enough.

Moreover, these benefits often cease or significantly reduce once you retire or leave your job, leaving a potential gap in your coverage.

Given the limitations of employer-provided life insurance, purchasing additional coverage can be a wise decision. Some of the best life insurance companies for police officers provide options that can supplement your employer-provided coverage and ensure that your family is adequately protected.

How Much Coverage Do Police Officers Need?

As a police officer, ensuring that your loved ones are financially secure is of paramount importance. But how much life insurance coverage do you really need? The answer isn’t one-size-fits-all; it varies based on your individual circumstances.

A common rule of thumb suggested by financial experts is to aim for a policy that covers at least 10-15 times your annual income. However, this should be adjusted according to your specific financial obligations and future requirements.

Consider factors such as outstanding debts, ongoing expenses, future education costs for your children, and the needs of your dependents. For instance, if you have a $300,000 mortgage, plan for $100,000 in college expenses, and want to replace a $50,000 income for ten years, you would need roughly $850,000 in coverage. Remember, the goal is to ensure that your family maintains their current lifestyle and meets future financial goals even in your absence.


Should police officers have life insurance?

Yes, police officers should have life insurance. While they often receive coverage through their employers, it’s recommended to secure additional life insurance that is 10 to 15 times their annual income for comprehensive protection.

Do police officers pay more for life insurance?

Not necessarily. Generally, police officers do not pay more for life insurance and receive the same rates as everyone else, though individual circumstances and health can affect premiums.

What is “line of duty” life insurance?

“Line of duty” life insurance is a specific type of policy that provides benefits to beneficiaries if the insured police officer dies while performing their professional duties. This typically includes both on-the-job accidents and incidents related to law enforcement activities.


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