7 Best Mobile Home Insurance Companies For 2024

When it comes to protecting your mobile home, Allstate stands out as the premier choice for mobile home insurance. This isn’t a decision we’ve come to lightly; it’s the result of comprehensive comparisons and analyses of what’s out there.

We’ve saved shoppers an average of $450 per year on their home insurance.

Offers from America's top insurance carriers
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Updated: 14 June 2024
Written by Bob Phillips
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If you’re on the hunt for mobile home insurance, you’ve landed in the perfect spot. In this guide, we’re diving deep into the world of mobile home insurance policies, offering a detailed comparison that not only highlights the best options available but also sheds light on the average cost of securing your mobile home. Our goal is to put your concerns to rest by ensuring you have all the necessary information at your fingertips.

Choosing the right mobile home insurance policy isn’t just a matter of ticking a box; it’s about safeguarding your peace of mind. Without adequate coverage, you’re leaving yourself exposed to potential financial and emotional strain. Imagine the stress of dealing with unexpected damages or losses without the safety net of a solid insurance policy. It’s a scenario best avoided, and that’s precisely where our expertise comes into play.

With over 15 years of experience in the insurance industry, I’ve sifted through more than a dozen mobile home insurance providers. This journey has not only honed my ability to spot the standout features that make a policy truly beneficial for mobile homeowners but also instilled a deep understanding of the intricacies involved in choosing the right insurance. It’s this expertise that I bring to this guide, ensuring you’re equipped with the knowledge to make an informed decision that aligns with your needs and circumstances.

Best Mobile Home Insurance Companies, 2024

Best Overall - Allstate
Best Value - American Family
Best for Discounts - Liberty Mutual
Best For Bundling - Progressive
Best Mobile Home Insurance, 2024

Best Mobile Home Insurance Companies: At A Glance

Overall Rating Best For J.D. Power Rating A.M. Best Rating Local Sales Agent Presence Get A Quote





Instant Quote
State Farm

Comprehensive Coverage




Instant Quote
Liberty Mutual





Instant Quote





Instant Quote





Instant Quote
American Family





Instant Quote
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Our Methodology

In our pursuit of delivering the most accurate and reliable insurance company ratings, we employ a comprehensive methodology. We review dozens of insurance companies, leveraging insights from multiple established insurance review sites. We also consider critical metrics from trusted industry leaders like A.M. Best and J.D. Power. Moreover, I bring my 15 years of experience as an insurance agent to the table, further enriching our analysis with first-hand knowledge and expertise. This rigorous approach ensures our ratings are both informed and trustworthy, guiding you confidently in your insurance decision-making process


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Years Of Experience


Brands Reviewed

Best Mobile Home Insurance Companies For [Y]

Best Overall

Overall Rating

Key Statistics

9/10 Customer Reviews
9/10 Claims
10/10 Coverage Level
8/10 Affordability

Why We Like Them

Allstate mobile home insurance emerges as a standout choice for a wide range of mobile homeowners, thanks to its tailored coverage options that cater to the unique needs and concerns of mobile home living. What particularly sets Allstate apart is its comprehensive approach to coverage, providing not just the basics, but also a suite of additional protections that address the specific vulnerabilities of mobile homes. This includes coverage for scenarios like emergency removal and transportation of the mobile home if it’s threatened by an imminent covered loss, offering a layer of security that goes beyond what many competitors offer.

The flexibility of Allstate’s policies makes it an ideal choice for both new mobile homeowners and those living in older models, ensuring that coverage can be customized to fit different budgets and requirements. This adaptability is a key reason why I recommend Allstate; it demonstrates an understanding of the diverse nature of mobile home ownership and the varying levels of protection needed.

Moreover, Allstate’s reputation for customer service and claims handling is commendable. In the event of a claim, policyholders can expect a supportive and efficient process, reducing the stress and inconvenience of dealing with home repairs or replacements. This level of service, combined with the robustness of their mobile home insurance policies, is why Allstate is a top recommendation.

Benefits & Drawbacks

  • Comprehensive coverage options
  • Customizable policies
  • Emergency removal and transport of mobile homes under imminent threat
  • Premiums can be higher than some competitors
  • Coverage limits and features may vary by location
  • Higher deductibles for certain coverages

Best For Comprehensive Coverage

Overall Rating

Key Statistics

9/10 Customer Reviews
8/10 Claims
9/10 Coverage Level
10/10 Affordability

Why We Like Them

State Farm mobile home insurance stands at the forefront for those seeking exhaustive coverage. It’s a brand synonymous with thorough protection, offering a robust suite of standard coverages that shield against a wide array of perils, from weather-related damages to theft and vandalism. The insurer’s comprehensive approach ensures that the major and minor risks associated with mobile home ownership are addressed, providing a deep sense of security to policyholders.

What differentiates State Farm is its commitment to offering a complete package. Beyond the basics, policyholders have access to additional coverage options that can be tailored to their specific needs, such as liability insurance and protection against identity theft. This means customers aren’t just getting a one-size-fits-all policy but one that adapts to their lifestyle and risk profile.

Customers often praise State Farm for its user-friendly services, including an intuitive online portal and a mobile app that makes managing policies and filing claims straightforward and hassle-free. This ease of use, combined with the insurer’s reputation for reliable claims service, positions State Farm as a leader in the mobile home insurance market.

Benefits & Drawbacks

  • Extensive educational resources for new mobile home owners
  • Reliable customer service
  • Competitive pricing with bundle discounts
  • Claims process can be slower than some competitors
  • Limited customization options
  • Potential for rate increases upon renewal, especially after filing claims

Best For Discounts

Overall Rating

Key Statistics

7/10 Customer Reviews
8/10 Claims
9/10 Coverage Level
8/10 Affordability

Why We Like Them

Liberty Mutual mobile home insurance distinguishes itself as the premier insurer for those seeking significant discounts without compromising on coverage quality. The brand has meticulously tailored its discount structure to benefit a broad spectrum of mobile home owners, making it an attractive option for anyone looking to maximize savings on their insurance policy.

What truly sets Liberty Mutual apart in the realm of discounts is the variety and accessibility of savings opportunities it offers. From bundling discounts for those who combine mobile home insurance with auto or other policies, to exclusive savings for claims-free histories, and even discounts for installing protective devices in your mobile home, Liberty Mutual covers a wide range of options. This inclusivity ensures that almost every policyholder has the potential to reduce their premiums.

Additionally, Liberty Mutual’s commitment to affordability does not come at the expense of comprehensive coverage. Policyholders can still expect robust protection against a wide array of risks, including theft, fire, and weather-related damages. This balance between cost-effectiveness and thorough coverage is why many mobile home owners find Liberty Mutual to be a good choice.

Benefits & Drawbacks

  • Wide range of discounts available
  • Online quote tool and mobile app
  • Nationwide availability
  • Discounts may vary by location
  • Occasional negative customer feedback on delays in claim processing
  • Annual premium increases noted by some policyholders

Best Value

Overall Rating

Key Statistics

9/10 Customer Reviews
9/10 Claims
9/10 Coverage Level
8/10 Affordability

Why We Like Them

American Family mobile home insurance is a top contender for those seeking the best overall value. The brand provides a sweet spot between comprehensive coverage, affordability, and customer service excellence. American Family stands out with its balanced approach, ensuring that policyholders receive a high level of protection without an exorbitant price tag, making it a practical choice for mobile homeowners who are mindful of their budget.

One of the key factors that make American Family appealing is the breadth of its standard coverage, which includes protection against most common perils, coupled with a variety of optional endorsements to tailor your policy. This means you have the flexibility to enhance your coverage as you see fit, potentially adding endorsements for identity theft, water backup, and equipment breakdown, among others.

Another aspect where American Family shines is in its discount offerings. Customers can enjoy reduced premiums through multiple discount options such as bundling, loyalty, and safety discounts. The insurer’s proactive approach to claims, bolstered by an easy-to-use online platform and a responsive customer service team, ensures a seamless experience from policy purchase to claims processing.

Benefits & Drawbacks

  • Wide range of coverage options
  • User-friendly online platform
  • Excellent reputation for customer service
  • Coverage and discounts may vary by location
  • Premiums can be higher than some competitors for similar coverage
  • May not be the best option for older mobile homes or those in high-risk areas

Best For Customization

Overall Rating

Key Statistics

7/10 Customer Reviews
8/10 Claims
9/10 Coverage Level
7/10 Affordability

Why We Like Them

Farmers mobile home insurance shines as the best option for those prioritizing customization in their policy. This insurer stands out for its ability to offer highly personalized coverage options that cater to the unique needs and preferences of mobile home owners. The flexibility to tailor policies allows for a perfect alignment with the specific requirements of each homeowner, ensuring that coverage is neither too broad nor too narrow for their actual needs.

What truly sets Farmers apart in the customization arena is its array of add-on coverages. From extended replacement cost coverage, which provides extra protection beyond the home’s value, to coverage for specific perils like flood or earthquake, Farmers enables homeowners to craft a policy that addresses their most pressing concerns. This level of customization is particularly beneficial in areas prone to certain natural disasters or for homes with unique features requiring special protection.

Moreover, Farmers’ approach to customization is complemented by its knowledgeable agents who are adept at guiding homeowners through the process of building their ideal policy. This personalized service ensures that each policyholder understands their coverage options and makes informed decisions. For mobile home owners seeking a tailored insurance experience, Farmers offers an unparalleled combination of flexibility, comprehensive coverage, and expert guidance.

Benefits & Drawbacks

  • Highly customizable policies
  • Wide variety of add-on coverages
  • Access to knowledgeable agents
  • Premiums can be higher depending on coverages selected
  • Availability of certain coverages and discounts may vary by location
  • May be limitations on coverage for older mobile homes or those in high-risk areas

Best For Bundling

Overall Rating

Key Statistics

7/10 Customer Reviews
8/10 Claims
9/10 Coverage Level
8/10 Affordability

Why We Like Them

Progressive mobile home insurance distinguishes itself as the leading insurer for those looking to maximize savings through bundle discounts. Progressive’s approach to bundled savings is exceptionally user-friendly, offering substantial discounts to policyholders who combine their mobile home insurance with other Progressive policies, such as auto or boat insurance. This strategy not only simplifies the insurance management process by consolidating policies under one roof but also translates into significant financial savings for customers.

What sets Progressive apart in the realm of bundle discounts is the sheer scale of their offerings. Unlike some competitors, Progressive provides a transparent and straightforward path to savings, making it easy for policyholders to understand how much they can save and under what conditions. This clarity is a significant advantage for users, ensuring they can make informed decisions about their insurance needs without any guesswork.

Furthermore, Progressive’s reputation for flexibility extends to its bundle discounts, allowing customers to mix and match policies to fit their unique lifestyles. This versatility is particularly appealing in today’s diverse insurance landscape, making Progressive a top choice for mobile home owners seeking both comprehensive coverage and unmatched savings through bundling.

Benefits & Drawbacks

  • Substantial bundle discounts
  • Easy online quote and policy management
  • Access to Progressive’s network of repair professionals
  • Coverage options and premiums may vary significantly by area
  • Some customers report variability in customer service experiences
  • Deductibles and coverage limits may not match every homeowner’s needs

Best for Online Experience

Overall Rating

Key Statistics

9/10 Customer Reviews
8/10 Claims
9/10 Coverage Level
10/10 Affordability

Why We Like Them

State Farm mobile home insurance excels in the digital domain, making it a leading choice for online purchasing and claims handling. The insurer’s investment in technology has streamlined the process of obtaining coverage and managing claims, offering a seamless, user-friendly experience that stands out in the insurance industry.

What sets State Farm apart is its robust online platform and mobile app, which allow customers to easily quote, purchase policies, and file claims from the comfort of their home or on the go. The intuitive design of their digital tools means that navigating through insurance options, customizing policies, and updating personal information is straightforward and accessible for users of all ages and tech-savviness.

Moreover, State Farm’s online claims process is highly efficient, reducing the stress and time traditionally associated with filing insurance claims. Policyholders can report a claim, upload photos, and track the status of their claim through the mobile app or website, with the added reassurance of 24/7 customer support.

Benefits & Drawbacks

  • Exceptional online and mobile platforms
  • Top-rated customer service
  • Competitive pricing with bundle discounts
  • Claims process can be slower than some competitors
  • Limited customization options
  • Potential for rate increases upon renewal, especially after filing claims

What Does Mobile Home Insurance Cover?

Mobile home insurance, also known as manufactured home insurance, offers a combination of coverages to protect your home, personal belongings, and liability similar to traditional homeowners insurance but tailored to the specific needs of mobile home owners. Here’s a breakdown of what mobile home insurance typically covers:

Dwelling Coverage

This portion of the policy covers the physical structure of your mobile home against damage from covered perils such as fire, windstorms, hail, lightning, and vandalism. It helps pay for the repair or replacement of the mobile home itself. Dwelling coverage is crucial for mobile home owners as it ensures that the principal investment, the home itself, is protected against significant risks.

Personal Property Coverage

Personal property coverage protects the contents of your mobile home, including furniture, electronics, clothing, and other personal belongings. If these items are stolen or damaged as a result of a covered event, this coverage will help pay to replace them.

Liability Protection

Liability protection covers legal expenses or damages that you or family members may be responsible for causing to others. This can include bodily injury to others or damage to their property while they are on your property. Liability coverage is essential for protecting yourself against potential lawsuits or claims.

Additional Living Expenses (ALE)

If your mobile home becomes uninhabitable due to a covered loss, ALE coverage helps cover the cost of temporary housing and other living expenses while your home is being repaired or replaced. This can include hotel bills, meals, and other necessary expenses incurred as a result of being displaced from your home.

Optional Coverage What It Covers
Trip Collision This covers any damage incurred to a mobile home when it’s being transported. This could include both the initial transport of the mobile home post-construction and subsequent transport.
Additional Structures This type of coverage protects against damage to adjacent or separate structures near your mobile home, like a garage.

What Does Mobile Home Insurance Not Cover?

Mobile home insurance, much like standard homeowners insurance, provides extensive coverage, but it doesn’t cover everything. Here are some common exclusions that mobile home insurance policies typically do not cover:

Natural Disasters

Certain natural disasters, such as earthquakes and floods, are generally not covered by standard mobile home insurance policies. Coverage for these events typically requires additional, separate policies like earthquake insurance or flood insurance through the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP).

Intentional Damage

Any damage that is caused intentionally by the policyholder or by someone else at the direction of the policyholder will not be covered. This also extends to any criminal activity that results in damage or loss.

Wear And Tear

Normal wear and tear or deterioration of the mobile home is not covered. Insurance is designed to protect against sudden and accidental damage, not maintenance issues that occur over time.

Pest Infestations

Damage from pests such as termites, rodents, or insects is typically not covered. These are considered maintenance issues that the homeowner is responsible for managing.

War And Nuclear Hazard

Events like war, nuclear hazards, or government action are not covered by mobile home insurance policies.

Water Damage From Sewage Backup

Unless specifically added to a policy, water damage resulting from sewer or drain backup is not typically covered.

Is Mobile Home Insurance Worth It?

Mobile home insurance, much like traditional homeowners insurance, is designed to protect against a variety of risks that can impact your home and financial well-being. It typically covers damages to your mobile home from events like fire, windstorms, theft, and vandalism.

It also provides liability coverage in case someone is injured on your property, and it can help cover additional living expenses if your home is uninhabitable after a covered loss. Personal property inside the home is also protected against covered damages or theft.

If you own your mobile home outright, purchasing insurance is not a legal obligation. However, considering the value of the home and its contents, plus the potential liabilities, going without coverage can be a significant risk. Mobile home insurance can be a financial safety net, guarding against the unexpected expenses that come from disasters and accidents which could otherwise be financially devastating.

On the other hand, if you’re financing your mobile home, insurance is usually required by the lender. Mortgage companies mandate this to protect their investment in your property until you’ve paid off your loan. The lender will typically want to see proof of insurance before the sales process is completed, and it may need to be maintained as a condition of your mortgage.

How Much Does Mobile Home Insurance Cost?

The cost of mobile home insurance depends on a multitude of factors, including the value and age of the mobile home, its location, the coverage limits you select, the deductible amount, and any additional coverage options you choose.

Insurers will also consider the risk factors associated with the area, such as susceptibility to natural disasters like hurricanes or earthquakes, crime rates, and even the proximity to emergency services. Here’s a comparison chart detailing the average annual costs of mobile home insurance by coverage amount:

Coverage Amount Average Annual Cost
$30,000 $250 – $800
$75,000 $300 – $1,000
$150,000 $450 – $1,300
$200,000 $500 – $1,400

Remember, these are average insurance costs and your actual premium could be higher or lower based on the specifics of your situation. To get the most accurate idea of what you’ll pay for mobile home insurance, it’s best to get quotes from several different insurers.

Average Cost Of Mobile Home Insurance By State

State Average Rate
Alabama $1,205
Alaska $753
Arizona $911
Arkansas $1,256
California $751
Colorado $1,217
Connecticut $832
Delaware $605
Florida $1,351
Georgia $1,187
Hawaii $502
Idaho $750
Illinois $1,231
Indiana $936
Iowa $1,245
Kansas $1,432
Kentucky $1,278
Louisiana $1,458
Maine $704
Maryland $898
Massachusetts $877
Michigan $802
Minnesota $1,145
Mississippi $1,265
Missouri $1,317
Montana $1,258
Nebraska $1,412
Nevada $596
New Hampshire $589
New Jersey $672
New Mexico $975
New York $716
North Carolina $848
North Dakota $1,238
Ohio $778
Oklahoma $1,427
Oregon $553
Pennsylvania $652
Rhode Island $970
South Carolina $912
South Dakota $1,457
Tennessee $1,489
Texas $1,446
Utah $567
Vermont $679
Virginia $734
Washington $846
West Virginia $813
Wisconsin $775
Wyoming $769

How To Find The Best Mobile Home Insurance Policy

Finding the best mobile home insurance requires a bit of research and due diligence to ensure you’re getting the coverage you need at the best possible price. Here are the steps to help you find the best policy for your needs:

Assess Your Coverage Needs

  • Evaluate the value of your mobile home and belongings to determine how much coverage you need.
  • Consider any specific risks associated with your location, like floods or earthquakes, which might require additional coverage.

Know What’s Covered

  • Understand what a standard mobile home insurance policy covers and what it doesn’t.
  • Decide if you need additional coverage options like trip collision coverage or coverage for other structures.

Shop Around

  • Get quotes from multiple insurance companies through Insuranceopedia to compare rates and coverages.
  • Look beyond just price and consider the reputation, financial stability, and customer service of the insurers.

Look for Discounts

  • Ask each insurer about discounts for which you may be eligible, such as bundle discounts, loyalty discounts, or discounts for safety features in your home.

Read Reviews and Ratings

  • Check out reviews and ratings from current and former customers to get an idea of their experiences.
  • Look at independent rating agencies like A.M. Best to assess the financial strength of the insurance companies.

Ask Questions

  • When you have a shortlist of potential insurers, contact them with any questions you have about their policies.
  • Make sure you fully understand the terms and conditions, including how claims are handled.

Review the Fine Print

  • Before making a final decision, carefully review the policy documents of your top choices.
  • Pay special attention to the coverage limits, deductibles, and exclusions.

Make Your Decision

  • Choose the policy that offers the best coverage at the most reasonable price, considering all the discounts and the insurer’s service reputation.
  • Ensure that you’re comfortable with your choice and that you trust the company to handle any potential claims.

Manufactured, Modular And Mobile Homes; What’s The Difference?

Manufactured, modular, and mobile homes are often confused, but they are distinct in their construction, regulations, and typically their permanence.

Manufactured Homes

Manufactured homes are built entirely in a factory under federal building codes administered by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). They are constructed on a permanent metal chassis and can be moved to different locations, though they are often placed in a permanent location and can come with or without wheels.

Once they arrive at their location, they are typically set on a permanent foundation but retain the ability to be moved. They are designed to be a permanent living arrangement.

Modular Homes

Modular homes are also factory-built in sections or modules, but they are assembled on-site on a permanent foundation. They must adhere to the same local building codes as site-built homes, rather than federal codes. Modular homes are considered real property, just like a site-built house, and are designed to stay in one place, often resulting in higher value retention than manufactured homes.

Mobile Homes

The term “mobile home” refers to factory-built homes built before the HUD code was enacted in 1976. These are similar to manufactured homes in that they are built in a factory and can be moved to different locations. However, they are often less regulated than modern manufactured homes and can vary widely in quality and safety standards.


What is the best insurance for a mobile home?

The best insurance for a mobile home depends on individual needs, but companies like Allstate, State Farm, and Progressive are often recognized for their comprehensive coverage and competitive pricing.

Is it harder to insure a mobile home?

Insuring a mobile home can be more challenging due to the perception of higher risk, but many insurers offer specialized policies that provide adequate coverage for mobile homes.


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