Do You Need Insurance To Register A Car In Florida?

Yes, you must have proof of insurance in order to register a car in Florida.

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Updated: 16 January 2025
Written by Jeff Bray
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Car insurance protects drivers from the moment they sign a lease to the day they pass the vehicle on to the next driver. It’s so important that one cannot do many things with their car unless they have it in place. In my 9 years of car insurance experience, I’ve helped simplify the complexities of auto insurance for drivers like you. Let’s take a look at the importance of insuring your car through the registration process.


Key Takeaways

  • To register a car in Florida one must have proof of insurance. This includes property damage liability (PDL) and personal injury protection (PIP).


  • The minimum amount of property damage liability coverage a driver needs in Florida is $10K. The minimum amount of personal injury protection is $10K per person per accident.


  • Florida is a no-fault state. Each party is responsible for their own injuries under their PIP.


  • Auto insurance is mandated to register a vehicle in Florida. If you do not have or maintain insurance you can face fines, have your license suspended, or face jail time.


Do You Need Insurance To Register A Car In Florida?

In Florida, auto insurance is a must for drivers registering a vehicle. Whether you are purchasing it new, switching titles, or moving from out of state, insurance is a requirement. This must occur within an allotted time period, or you can face fines.


After you receive your insurance, it’s always important to carry it with you. In most states, the agency that pulls you over can access your proof of insurance. In Florida, you need to have your document ready to show to the officer. The reason is that systems can fail and should the officer’s system be down, you would need the paper documentation to show them you carry auto insurance.

Should you not have auto insurance, penalties can include license suspension for up to three years or a fine on your vehicle registration fee:

  • First lapse: $150 fine
  • Second lapse: $250 fine (within 3 years)
  • Third lapse: $500 fine (within 3 years)


Insurance Requirements In Florida

Each state sets its own car insurance requirements. Florida is no different. Insurance requirements in Florida are not as complex as other states:

  • Property Damage Liability (PDL): $10,000 minimum
  • Personal Injury Protection (PIP): $10,000 per person/per accident

While these are the minimum coverage requirements, they are not always the best coverage levels when you consider the overall cost of an accident.

It is important to keep in mind that Florida is a no-fault state. Each party is responsible for their own injuries in an auto accident. However, if you cause serious injuries to another party and their PIP is not enough to cover their injuries, they can sue you for their medical expenses. If you do not have Bodily Injury coverage you can wind up paying these expenses out of pocket.


ENOUGH IS NOT ENOUGH: In 2022, the average auto liability claim for property damage was $5,313; the average auto liability claim for bodily injury was $24,211.


Other coverages can be important such as:

Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist

This would cover you in the event of an incident where the other party’s auto insurance, or lack thereof, does not cover your claim.

Rental Reimbursement

Rental coverage is also an important benefit should your vehicle need repairs, and you need a car for a few days. Without this coverage, any rental would be out of pocket.


For those who have enough money, they may choose to forgo purchasing auto insurance and do it legally. One would need to provide a certificate showing their net worth is above $40,000 for the first car and $20,000 for each additional vehicle. They must also maintain this income level or lose this status.


Florida Car Registration Information

To register a car in Florida, one must be prepared. Let’s take you through the process so your road can be smooth sailing.

What Documents Do You Need?

When a driver seeks to register a car in Florida for the first time, they will need specific documents:

  • Proof of identity such as a birth certificate or passport. This document needs to be certified and original.
  • Proof of insurance.
  • Completed application for Certification of Title with/without Registration.

If this is a renewal, you are able to complete this online. However, if you are starting a new registration, you must apply in person.


How Can People Get Registration?

There are 3 ways people can register and renew their car in Florida.


  1. Visit the DMV portal and log in or create an account.
  2. Complete the transaction by paying the $2 processing fee.
  3. You will receive your new registration in the mail within seven to ten business days.

Mobile App:

  1. Download the MyFlorida mobile app and create an account using your license plate number or VIN.
  2. Pay the $4 credit card processing fee or $3.75 checking account processing fee.
  3. You will receive your registration by mail and a digital document through a mobile app.


  1. Visit any Florida motor vehicle center with your documentation.
  2. If you have everything required, you can register the same day.


NOTE: There is a $225 Initial Registration Fee for first-time registrations. This must be done in person and cannot be completed online or through the mobile app.


What Are The Costs Involved?

The costs to register a car in Florida will depend on the vehicle type. A moped will be rather inexpensive, and a heavy truck will cost much more. For a standard automobile, your weight will be the main determiner.

Automobile up to 2,499 $14.50
Automobile 2500-3499 $22.50
Automobile 3500 or more $32.50


What Else Do People Need To Know?

If you are moving out of state, ensure you obtain insurance from your new state before you cancel your Florida auto insurance to prevent a lapse of coverage. The same can be said of when you move into the state.

Also, you must replace your Florida license plate every ten years. How this works is a bit tricky. A portion of the fee, $2.80, is collected through your annual registration fees over a ten-year period. This will total $28, the replacement fee for the plate. This forced replacement fee gives each driver a new plate every ten years. There are exceptions, such as if you have personalized plates.


How To Register A Car In Florida

To register a new vehicle in Florida you need to establish that you own the vehicle. Registration includes a license plate, a validation decal, and a registration certificate. Let’s review each step of the process.

Collect The Needed Documents

First, you will need a valid driver’s license. Next, ensure you have your Florida car insurance. You will also need your new vehicle’s identification number, original title, and the vehicle’s verification of inspection.



Complete Vehicle Registration Application

Fill out form HSMV 82040, the Application for Certificate of Title for FL Registration. Here you will include all the vehicle information, including odometer reading. If you are transferring the vehicle, the old title information will be requested.



Submit Your Application And Pay Required Fees

You can submit your application at a local Florida county tax collector’s office. Florida registration fees for a new license plate are:

  • $27.60 annual tax and fees for vehicles 0-2499 pounds
  • $35.60 annual tax and fees for vehicles 2500-3499 pounds
  • $45.60 annual tax and fees for vehicles 3500 pounds and over

Additional fees include a $225 fee for initial registration, $28 for issuing a new license plate, and $7.35 for transferring a license plate from one vehicle to another.



Obtain Your License Plate And Registration Certification

If you have purchased a new vehicle, you will receive a temporary plate and registration certificate. If from a private transaction, you may choose to keep the current plates. The DMV will issue you the up-to-date tags.



Ensure Your Plate Is Displayed Properly

There are laws about how to display your plates in Florida. Plates must be no more than 60 inches above or less than 12 inches above the ground. Neither can they be more than 24 inches to the left or right of the edge of the vehicle.



How To Renew Your Car Registration In Florida

Remember, Florida has strict renewal laws. If you reach six months past due you can face fines up to $500 and jail time. Renewals take place on the owner’s birthdate. You are given the choice to renew your vehicle for either one or two years. You can also renew it up to three months in advance.

Just like registering for the first time, you can renew through multiple avenues:

Renew Online

Visit the FLHSMV website or through the MyDMV portal, provide your personal information and vehicle information then pay applicable fees. Your renewal will be sent to you within 7-10 business days.

Mobile Application

Log in through the app and provide your personal and vehicle information. Then pay processing and applicable fees. You will receive a digital copy immediately until your paper copy arrives.

In Office

You can visit your local office during business hours and fill out the required paperwork. You should receive your renewal the same day.

If you are renewing through a mobile app or online, you can do this once. The following renewal period, you must visit the DMV to renew.


What Happens If Your Insurance Expires?

Florida requires every driver to carry proof of insurance with them in their vehicle. Florida also requires insurance companies to notify the state when a driver is out of compliance through their insurance lapsing, being canceled, or expiring.

If you are pulled over and do not have an in-place auto insurance policy don’t think you can lie your way out of it. Florida also has laws in place involving providing false statements regarding your insurance status. This is a second-degree misdemeanor.


GOING WITHOUT: According to the IRC, 15.9% of Florida drivers, despite compulsory laws choose to go without insurance.


Penalties For Driving Without Insurance In Florida

Florida’s insurance laws are strict. In addition to their false statement laws, financial penalties are steep. If you lose your license or vehicle registration due to loss of insurance, you will incur a $15 fee plus a license suspension fee. Fees warrant between $150 and $500.

Offense Fee Penalties
First $150 DL and registration suspension up to 3yrs
Second $250 DL and registration suspension up to 3yrs
Third $500 DL and registration suspension up to 3yrs

Florida allows drivers to renew policies up to three months in advance. This gives drivers the ability to avoid the hassle of fines and the consequences of paying their premiums late.


What To Do If You’re Moving Out Of Florida

If you ever do decide to leave the Sunshine State and are taking your vehicle with you, you should plan ahead. Just as you would turn on the electricity before you move in at your new residence and keep it on at your old, the same can be said of your auto insurance.

If you are keeping the same auto insurance company, this should be a seamless process. The only difference is you may see a change in your rate. Different parts of the country present different risks, thus creating a different rate.



Can you go to jail for driving without insurance in Florida?

According to Florida laws if you drive without auto insurance you can face fines between $150 and $500. It can also result in license suspension for up to three years. However, you cannot go to jail for not having auto insurance in Florida. Yet if you lie about having it, that is another story. That would be a misdemeanor and result in jail time.


Can you register a car in a different State than my license?

Yes. Thirteen states allow one to register a car in a state even though your license is from a different state. Florida is one of these states. It is an exemption for those who are employed in another state. One must, however, establish Florida residency.


Can you get car insurance in a different State?

When you purchase car insurance, wherever you drive it you are insured. You can take it cross country and your auto insurance company will cover you for an incident. However, that policy is the only one you can have. If you have your Florida insurance policy and move to California, you cannot have two insurance policies. You would cancel the one and begin the other.


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