Incontestable Clause

Updated: 29 February 2024

What Does Incontestable Clause Mean?

An incontestable or incontestability clause in a life insurance policy makes it impossible for the insurer to contest any statements made in the application after a period of time (typically two years).

Insuranceopedia Explains Incontestable Clause

The incontestable clause prevents the insurer from revoking coverage because of alleged misstatements by the insured.

Insurers don’t take kindly to deception, and this is no exception. The clause is only meant to protect policyholders in case they made a mistake on the application (an act of innocent misrepresentation). The clause does not prevent the insurer from terminating the policy if the applicant committed a deliberate act of fraud in the application process.


Incontestability Clause

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