Entire Contract Clause

Updated: 11 March 2024

What Does Entire Contract Clause Mean?

An entire contract clause is a clause in an insurance contract that states that the entire agreement between the insured and the insurer is limited to the terms of the contract. In other words, an entire contract clause lets both the insurer and the insured know that each party is only bound to the terms of the contract, and not to any other stipulations outside of the contract.

Insuranceopedia Explains Entire Contract Clause

Entire contract clauses can be very relevant in the case of lawsuits. For example, if a policyholder sues an insurance company over a point outside of the contract, the insurance company would likely win the case if there was an entire contract clause. This is because the insurance company would only be bound to the terms of the contract, and not to any terms outside of it. Endorsements, benefits, conditions, and many other details are all commonly included in insurance contracts with entire contract clauses.

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