Qualified High-Deductible Health Plan
What Does Qualified High-Deductible Health Plan Mean?
A qualified high-deductible health plan is a health insurance plan that has lower premiums and higher deductibles compared to many other health insurance plans. To be considered high-deductible, a health insurance plan must have an annual deductible amount that falls within a certain range. The actual range can vary from year to year. In 2013, the range was between $1,250 and $6,250 for individuals and between $2,500 and $12,500 for families.
Insuranceopedia Explains Qualified High-Deductible Health Plan
Qualified high-deductible health plans allow policyholders who cannot afford high premiums to still have access to health care. Some qualified high-deductible health plans, in fact, don't even have premiums and all the policyholder has to pay are the deductibles. While high-deductible insurance makes health coverage accessible to those who cannot afford other types of insurance, it can still end up costing of thousands of dollars if the policyholder files a large number of claims in a single year.