Subsequent Negligence

Updated: 09 June 2023

What Does Subsequent Negligence Mean?

Subsequent negligence refers to negligence at the time of the injury as opposed to before. It is distinguished from negligence that occurs before the accident. Thus, subsequent negligence is considered a proximate cause, while the initial negligence is considered a remote cause of the injury. Liability insurance can provide protection to lawsuits and claims that arise due to an alleged case of subsequent negligence on the insured's part.

Insuranceopedia Explains Subsequent Negligence

Subsequent negligence involves a failure to perform a necessary duty or behavior consistent with an appropriate level of care for a particular matter after the initial negligence has taken place. For example, a co-pilot who realizes a mistake the other pilot has made during, but fails to do everything in his power to correct it, and thus, several passengers become injured. His subsequent negligence is a proximate cause of the injuries.

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