Theatrical Floater

Updated: 10 December 2024

What Does Theatrical Floater Mean?

A theatrical floater is a type of insurance coverage designed for props, equipment, costumes, and other materials used in plays or theatrical productions. It covers risks such as fire, windstorms, lightning, explosions, theft, and smoke. Additionally, it protects against risks like flooding, bridge collapse, vehicle derailment or damage, vessel stranding or sinking, and aircraft crashes.

A theatrical floater is also known as a theatrical property floater.

Insuranceopedia Explains Theatrical Floater

A theatrical floater does not cover buildings, furniture, or other items not directly used in a theatrical production. However, the insured does not need to own the items for coverage to apply. They may be borrowed, held in trust, on consignment, or still in transit for delivery to the owners.


Theatrical Property Floater

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