Ancillary Benefits

Updated: 11 March 2024

What Does Ancillary Benefits Mean?

Ancillary benefits are additions to a health insurance provided by an employer to his or her employees. These additions to the health plan are often the following: vision care, dental care, and life insurance. The employer can subsidize this plan might ask the employers to contribute to it. These benefits are then added to an already existing group health insurance.

Insuranceopedia Explains Ancillary Benefits

The health of the employees impacts their performance. That explains why employers provide health insurance. Once an employer gets sick, health care is given to him or her through insurance so that he or she can recuperate and join the workforce again. However, a basic health insurance might not be enough.

Eyesight plays a big role in one’s job that some are even wondering why its maintenance is not a part of traditional health plans and why eye care remains an ancillary benefit. The ubiquitous use of computers in the workplace, for instance, might have hastened the loss of a perfect vision. Underrating dental care also leaves a number of people perplexed since dental work is quite expensive. Also, dental or eye check-up might reveal results that can affect a person’s overall health. The blurring of a vision can be attributed to diabetes, for example. Lastly, an argument for life insurance is the unforeseen death of an employee, leaving his or her family with a substantial loss of income. If he or she is the sole breadwinner, that’s a total loss of income.

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